Ground Report: Barriers to healthcare for women
On World Health Day, Foundation For Reproductive Health Services India (FRHS India) team interviewed some ASHA workers and their clients to know the ground reality of healthcare services in rural India. Hear what they said in this video.
How can the barriers to healthcare be reduced?
Foundation For Reproductive Health Services India (FRHS India), our partner organisation working dedicatedly to make reproductive healthcare and contraception services more accessible, talked about the steps they are taking to achieve their goal. Dr. Abha Jha from FRHS India, UP and Mr. Ashutosh Kaushik, CEO at FRHS India also shared their views on the same.
Got a question about sexual health? Hop on to 'Mangal-Gyaan' for the answer!
Love Matters India is doing what school curriculum often misses out on - answering common questions related to sexual health freely and without judgement. From condoms to UTIs to copper-Ts, they answered all the most commonly asked questions by their followers. Follow the link to read the answers.
Big win for Kenya: Arresting abortion seekers and providers declared illegal
Abortion care is a fundamental right, but the same has to be reiterated to fight the bias and stigma surrounding it. High Court of Malindi, Kenya quoted their Constitution and said abortion rights must be protected in order to protect the Constitutional values, including dignity, autonomy, equality, & bodily integrity.