Pratigya Rights
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Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all across age groups
Reduce global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births
Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services
Achieve universal health coverage (financial risk protection, access to quality essential health care services, access to safe, quality and affordable essential medicines)
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
The immediate and long-term benefits to public health from expanding access to family planning can deliver substantial economic return. If the need for family planning is met, communities vulnerable to economic instability following disasters will be better protected with lower demand on health systems, infrastructure and water services due to improvements in maternal and child health and slower population growth.
Consistent with UNFPA's theme for the day 'Putting the brakes on COVID19: How to safeguard the health and rights of women and girls now', we marked the day across our online platforms.
We organized week-long conversations across social media platforms, heard from colleagues and healthcare providers on-ground and discussed the disproportionate burden of family planning on women as well as the need for a change in mindsets.
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Campaign Advisory
Group members go live with News18
On World Population Day our CAG members Adv. Anubha Rastogi, Human Rights Lawyer, Dr. Kalpana Apte, CEO, Family Planning Association of India (FPAI) and Mr. VS Chandrashekar, CEO, Foundation for Reproductive Health Services, India (FRHS India) logged in for a Facebook Live with CNN-News18’s Associate Editor Ms. Adrija Bose.
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The exclusive Live on News18’s Facebook page was conducted to understand the impact of the pandemic on India’s family planning services and the unintended pregnancies that could result from it in the future. The LIVE interaction was viewed by over 16K people on Facebook.
Watch Here
Pratigya Campaign for #SafeguardingHealth
We also ran a video campaign, where we spoke to frontline workers and colleagues from the Foundation for Reproductive Health Services India and understood first hand, the impact the pandemic has had on women and their reproductive choices. Critical topics such as men sharing responsibility with their spouses regarding their reproductive choices and the burden of family planning were discussed. From surgeons to field coordinators to nurses and clinic in-charge; colleagues from FRHS India stressed on the need for equal responsibility for family planning.
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Pratigya Campaign for #SafeguardingHealth Image
Pratigya Campaign for #SafeguardingHealth Image
Campaign Advisory Group (CAG) Members Meeting
The Pratigya Campaign secretariat hosted a virtual CAG meeting on July 7, 2020. Discussions steered by CAG members helped in strengthening the focus on advocacy efforts. The Secretariat shared an update on the campaign's work meetings with larger coalition, media engagement and the like.
Bridge the Information Gap With Us!
Bridge the information gap and make safe abortion services accessible to all! Pratigya Campaign has embarked on a mission to create a comprehensive database consisting of details of medical providers offering SA and PAFP services. We need your support to strengthen the database.
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The database will be made available on our website for easy access to information of the nearest clinic to those in need.
Here is what you need to do:
Give us your 5 minutes
Give us your 5 minutes
Pass on the form to your friends and family members
Pass on the form to your friends and family members
*All information shared will be protected by the Pratigya Campaign Secretariat
Coming Soon on Vision Nari Podcast
Our CAG member, Ms. Rupsa Mallik, Director of Programmes and Innovation, CREA was recently part of a podcast recording with host Swati Rawat from Vision Nari.
Invited to speak about the need to build a society with equal access to safe abortion facilities for all,
Podcast Creative
Rupsa has shared her valuable insights on the work that lies ahead on our path to bring in change.
Vision Nari is a podcast available for listening across 12 leading streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, JioSaavn, Hubhopper, and more. It hosts interviews with women from different backgrounds; entrepreneurs, doctors, psychologists, activists etc. and undergoes candid conversations with them around life, aspirations and a unique vision each one of them has for us and the future generations.
Stay Tuned For More Details
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Our Social Chatter
This month we dedicated our social media space to celebrate National Doctor's Day, World Population Day, and World Youth Skills Day.
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In the News
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Join Us
Every individual has the right to make their own choices about their sexual and reproductive health and we at Pratigya Rights Campaign are advocating for this right.
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